Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice
Effects of Somatosensory-Style Video Games for Functional Recovery in Stroke Patients: A Pilot Study
梁文隆(Wen-Lung Liang);蘇靜儀(Ching-I Su);李萬盟(Wan-Meng Lee);鍾心穎(Hsin-Yin Chung);黃茂雄(Mao-Hsiung Huang)
中風;虛擬實境;日常生活功能;Stroke;Virtual reality;Activities of daily living
中文 English

虛擬實境指的是藉由電腦來模擬一個真實世界的環境,讓使用者感受電腦所呈現的影像並與之互動。目前有越來越多研究來探討應用虛擬實境對於中風患者的復健成效,但仍無法得到一個明確的定論。本研究的目的是採用隨機化實驗控制組前後測設計,來驗證體感式遊戲介入對於中風病人功能恢復之效果。受測者將隨機分為兩組,實驗組接受體感式電玩(虛擬實境)系統的活動,控制組則是傳統職能治療的介入。兩組每位受測者每星期接受兩次治療,每次1小時,共計8 週。共計有十位個案全程參與,平均年齡為48.5 ± 15.6歲,平均發病時間2.45 ± 2.17 年。中風個案在進行治療介入之前後,受測者皆會接受傅格—梅爾測驗 (Fugl-Meyer Assessment) 與生活功能獨立執行測量表 (Functional IndependenceMeasure) 來評量功能恢復的情況,並採用無母數檢定中的Mann-Whitney U test 來檢定兩組功能改變差異的效果。結果顯示在生活功能獨立執行測量表上,雖實驗組的改善分數優於控制組,但兩組改善的差異並未達到統計上顯著差異 (p = .29);而在傅格—梅爾測驗中,亦顯示兩組改善的差異並未達到統計上顯著差異 (p = .92)。本研究顯示體感式電玩介入對於中風病患生活功能恢復的表現並無顯著的效果。其可能的原因個案可能用代償性的動作完成體感式電玩活動,因此影響到整體功能的表現。其次是體感式電玩活動侷限於某一特定的動作訓練,對於整體生活功能表現的影響較低。

Virtual reality refers to using computer to simulate a real-world environment. It allows users to feel and interact with computer-generated images. There are more and more intervention studies regarding using virtual reality to help people with stroke. But, it still can not get a clear conclusion so far. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of virtual reality game as new treatment approaches in stroke rehabilitation by using randomized pretest-posttest control group design. The subjects were randomly divided into two groups: virtual reality game group and control group with traditional occupational therapy. Each subject in both group received twice treatments per week for eight weeks, one time per treatment for one hour. In order to evaluate the functional recovery, each subject would receive the Fugl-Meyer Assessment and Functional Independence Measure at the start and end of the intervention. Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the functional changes between both groups. The results showed that the functional improvement was observed in virtual reality group, but it did not reach statistical significance ( p= .29). In FAM score, it also showed no statistical significance between two groups ( p= .92). The results of this study showed that virtual reality intervention would not significantly improve functional performance in stroke adults. The possible explanation could be the limited training with specific movements on the game. These trainings could only have some degrees of help on functional performance. The other reason could be the compensatory movement to achieve the demanding of game tasks. These movements would not help the overall functional performance.
