研究目的:本論文藉由一位腦外傷後合併站立姿勢不良之病患,在運用“骨盆姿勢調 整帶"前後改變的研究報告。研究方法:“骨盆姿勢調整帶"的設計為主要是包含一條主 帶與兩條輔助側帶,主帶兩側包括有間隔相同的空洞可配合固定在傳統站立訓練桌上;輔 助側帶有兩條,其中一條在尾端有 字環,另一條為公扣與母扣相間隔之帶體,需配合字環使用,將骨盆環繞固定。以輔助側帶將病患之骨盆環繞固定後再以主帶左右調整即 可將患者下半身固定在對稱平衡之位置。在本研究報告中研究人員一位二十八歲因機車事 故所導致之腦部外傷男性患者為研究對象,經由評估得知患者在行動能力幾乎完全需要協 助,站立時身體姿勢會習慣偏向患側。為了要驗證“骨盆姿勢調整帶"的臨床效果,研究 人員以“軀幹偏移角度"與“身體側向位移"為測量指標,量測患者在從事傳統站立訓練 桌活動有無“骨盆姿勢調整帶 "時的變化情況。研究結果:研究結果顯示在使用“骨盆 姿勢調整帶"後測量“軀幹偏移角度"指標進步 5.6 度,測量“身體側向位移"指標進步 3.5公分。結論:“骨盆姿勢調整帶"確實可以有效的控制腦傷合併站立姿勢不良者在從事職 能治療站立訓練桌活動時的姿勢不對稱問題,可進一步提供安全感減少由站立桌側向滑落 的危險。

"> 投稿審查系統 - 台灣職能治療研究與實務雜誌 - 期刊目錄【針對腦傷患者所設計之可調式腰部固定帶:個案報告】
Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice
Development of a Postural Adjustable Pelvic Belt to Improve Postural Control in Patients with Brain Damage: Case Report
陳明義(Ming-I Chen);蔡君男(Chun-Nan Tsai)
骨盆姿勢調整帶;個案報告;站立訓練桌;姿勢不對稱;側向推倒徵候群;Postural adjustable pelvic belt; Case report;Standing training table;Postural asymmetry;Pusher Syndrome
中文 English

研究目的:本論文藉由一位腦外傷後合併站立姿勢不良之病患,在運用“骨盆姿勢調 整帶"前後改變的研究報告。研究方法:“骨盆姿勢調整帶"的設計為主要是包含一條主 帶與兩條輔助側帶,主帶兩側包括有間隔相同的空洞可配合固定在傳統站立訓練桌上;輔 助側帶有兩條,其中一條在尾端有 字環,另一條為公扣與母扣相間隔之帶體,需配合字環使用,將骨盆環繞固定。以輔助側帶將病患之骨盆環繞固定後再以主帶左右調整即 可將患者下半身固定在對稱平衡之位置。在本研究報告中研究人員一位二十八歲因機車事 故所導致之腦部外傷男性患者為研究對象,經由評估得知患者在行動能力幾乎完全需要協 助,站立時身體姿勢會習慣偏向患側。為了要驗證“骨盆姿勢調整帶"的臨床效果,研究 人員以“軀幹偏移角度"與“身體側向位移"為測量指標,量測患者在從事傳統站立訓練 桌活動有無“骨盆姿勢調整帶 "時的變化情況。研究結果:研究結果顯示在使用“骨盆 姿勢調整帶"後測量“軀幹偏移角度"指標進步 5.6 度,測量“身體側向位移"指標進步 3.5公分。結論:“骨盆姿勢調整帶"確實可以有效的控制腦傷合併站立姿勢不良者在從事職 能治療站立訓練桌活動時的姿勢不對稱問題,可進一步提供安全感減少由站立桌側向滑落 的危險。

Objective: This CLINICAL TECHNICAL REPORT demonstrates the development of a postural adjustable pelvic belt (PAPB) for use in a brain damaged patient with postural imbalance during a common standing-training-table rehabilitation program. Methods: The PAPB is designed as a belt that consists of one main strip and two sideway strips, which are covered with Velcro and can be bent attached together to form a D-Loop. The main stripband also has several loopholes in the sides for modulating patients’ symmetry posture at thestanding training table. In this study, the PAPB was applied with a 28 years-old male who had a brain damage as a result of motorcycle accident. The patient was functionally dependent and he required maximum assistance for all functional mobility activities such as sitting upand standing. Before and after the PAPB was used, this participant’s body positioning indices(trunk angular and body sliding distance) was measured. Body positioning measurement was administered after a 10-minute upper extremity exercise through the stand-training-table program with and without the PAPB belt. Results: The body positioning results demonstrateda change when the PAPB belt was set up in this participant. The participant’s trunk anglediffered by 5.6° and his body sliding distance differed by 3.5 cm, compared to without PAPB.Conclusion: The PAPB could be a useful choice for therapists to stabilize patients with postural imbalance and to prevent them from falling down during the standing-training-table program. We also found that the PAPB could be easy to use and particularly useful for patients with pusher syndrome or postural imbalance.
