研究目的:本研究是探討職能治療運用編織來減少患者的焦慮症狀。方法:以立意取 樣 17 名在慢性精神科病房的思覺失調症患者,分為實驗組 人與控制組 人。實驗組除 了常規病房職能團體活動,另外接受 週以編織活動為主的減壓團體;控制組則只接受 一般病房職能團體活動。兩組皆在實驗前後進行前後測,測驗包含簡式精神量表、貝克焦 慮量表及生活滿意度量表。統計方式以 ann- hitney test 及 ilcoxon Signed- ankTest 來分析比較兩組思覺失調症患者改善焦慮行為成效。結果:實驗組在前後測比較中發 現貝克焦慮量表 (< .05) 達顯著改善程度,而對照組則無顯著改變。結論:職能治療透 過編織活動,更能有效來轉化思覺失調症患者的負向情緒,降低焦慮情緒。

"> 投稿審查系統 - 台灣職能治療研究與實務雜誌 - 期刊目錄【編織團體對降低思覺失調症病患的焦慮行為成效探討】
Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice
The Effectiveness of Using Knitting Activities to Reduce Anxious Behavior for Schizophrenia
陳雅玲(Ya-Ling Chen);吳沁縈(Chin-Ying Wu);張祐銓(Yoe-Chuan Chang);歐俞宏(Yu-Hung Ou)
思覺失調;編織;焦慮;職能治療;Schizophrenia;Knitting; Weaving; Anxiety; Occupational therapy
中文 English

研究目的:本研究是探討職能治療運用編織來減少患者的焦慮症狀。方法:以立意取 樣 17 名在慢性精神科病房的思覺失調症患者,分為實驗組 人與控制組 人。實驗組除 了常規病房職能團體活動,另外接受 週以編織活動為主的減壓團體;控制組則只接受 一般病房職能團體活動。兩組皆在實驗前後進行前後測,測驗包含簡式精神量表、貝克焦 慮量表及生活滿意度量表。統計方式以 ann- hitney test 及 ilcoxon Signed- ankTest 來分析比較兩組思覺失調症患者改善焦慮行為成效。結果:實驗組在前後測比較中發 現貝克焦慮量表 (< .05) 達顯著改善程度,而對照組則無顯著改變。結論:職能治療透 過編織活動,更能有效來轉化思覺失調症患者的負向情緒,降低焦慮情緒。

Purpose: This study aims to investigate the effect of knitting used to reduce anxiety symptoms for schizophrenia. Method: Using purposive sampling, 17 participants with chronic schizophrenia were recruited in two groups. 8 participants in the experimental group attended 8-week knitting program, while participants in the control group received regular occupation group therapy. Participants were assessed before and after program using the Brief Symptomating, the Beck Anxiety Inventory and Life Satisfaction Scale. To compare the differences between experimental group and control group were assessed with Mann- Whitney Test and Wilcoxon Signed- Rank Test. Result: The results showed that the Beck Anxiety Inventory were significantly improved after being enrolled in the 8-week knitting program to the experimental group (< .05), and the control group was no significant difference. Conclusion: By using knitting in the occupational therapy activity is more efficiently converting schizophrenia patients’ negative emotion and reducing their anxiety.
