背景:包裝工人每日進行大量且重複性的身體動作,且需在有限的時間內完成,故容易造成工作疲勞,影響生活品質。根據過去研究指出,夜班工人比起日班工人,可能有較差的生活品質。目的:本研究目的有二:一、探討日、夜班包裝工人之工作疲勞與生活品質。二、找出影響日、夜班包裝工人生活品質之預測因子。方法:本研究採橫斷式研究,研究對象是半導體工廠之包裝工人。問卷內容包括:個人基本資料、職場疲勞量表、台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷與北歐肌肉骨骼問卷調查表。統計分析包含描述性統計、t 檢定、卡方檢定與逐步回歸。回歸分析以WHOQOL-BRIEF 之四個範疇為依變項,並以基本資料、個人疲勞、工作疲勞與肌肉骨骼不適部位累計等變項為自變項(預測因子)。結果:共招募161 位日班工人與86 位夜班工人。日班工人的工作疲勞程度顯著高於夜班工人(p < .05)。在生活品質方面,夜班工人在環境範疇生活品質則顯著低於日班工人(p < .01)。日、夜班工人之肌肉骨骼系統最不舒服的前三個身體部位分別為下背、肩膀與頸部。回歸結果指出:個人疲勞為最顯著的生活品質預測因子(p < .01),會影響日班工人四個生活品質範疇,及夜班工人三個生活品質範疇。結論:日班包裝工人的工作疲勞程度比夜班工人較高。日班工人比起夜班工人較容易有下背與肩膀的疼痛或酸麻。而日、夜班工人的個人疲勞都是嚴重降低生活品質的主要因子。

"> 投稿審查系統 - 台灣職能治療研究與實務雜誌 - 期刊目錄【日夜班包裝工人的工作疲勞與生活品質之探討】
Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice
Investigation of Work Burnout and Quality of Life among Day-Shift and Night-Shift Packing Workers
楊尚育(Shang-Yu Yang);顏俊明(Chun-Ming Yen);許德仁(Der-Jen Hsu);楊小惠(Hsiao-Hui Yang);盧思汎(Szu-Fan Lu);張哲豪(Jer-Hao Chang)
包裝工人;職場疲勞;工作疲勞;生活品質;Packing worker; occupational burnout; work burnout; quality of life
中文 English

背景:包裝工人每日進行大量且重複性的身體動作,且需在有限的時間內完成,故容易造成工作疲勞,影響生活品質。根據過去研究指出,夜班工人比起日班工人,可能有較差的生活品質。目的:本研究目的有二:一、探討日、夜班包裝工人之工作疲勞與生活品質。二、找出影響日、夜班包裝工人生活品質之預測因子。方法:本研究採橫斷式研究,研究對象是半導體工廠之包裝工人。問卷內容包括:個人基本資料、職場疲勞量表、台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷與北歐肌肉骨骼問卷調查表。統計分析包含描述性統計、t 檢定、卡方檢定與逐步回歸。回歸分析以WHOQOL-BRIEF 之四個範疇為依變項,並以基本資料、個人疲勞、工作疲勞與肌肉骨骼不適部位累計等變項為自變項(預測因子)。結果:共招募161 位日班工人與86 位夜班工人。日班工人的工作疲勞程度顯著高於夜班工人(p < .05)。在生活品質方面,夜班工人在環境範疇生活品質則顯著低於日班工人(p < .01)。日、夜班工人之肌肉骨骼系統最不舒服的前三個身體部位分別為下背、肩膀與頸部。回歸結果指出:個人疲勞為最顯著的生活品質預測因子(p < .01),會影響日班工人四個生活品質範疇,及夜班工人三個生活品質範疇。結論:日班包裝工人的工作疲勞程度比夜班工人較高。日班工人比起夜班工人較容易有下背與肩膀的疼痛或酸麻。而日、夜班工人的個人疲勞都是嚴重降低生活品質的主要因子。

Background: Packing workers are daily working with extensive and repetitive body movements, and they need to complete their work within a limited time. Therefore, this condition may cause working burnout, thereby affecting the quality of life. Previous studies indicated that night-shift workers may have poor quality of life comparing to day-shift workers. Objective: We aimed, to invesgitate the working burnout and quality of life of day- and night- shift packing workers and to discover the preditors of quality of life among the day- and night-shift packing workers. Methods: This study adopted a cross-sectional study, and the particiapnts were recruited from a semiconductor plant. The questionnaire included: basic personal information, the Occupational Burnout Inventory, the World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire, and the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire. Statistical analysis contained descriptive statistics, t-test, chi-square test and stepwise regression. Regression analysis adopted four domians of the WHOQOL-BRIEF as dependent variables, and adopted basic personal information, personal burnout, work burnout, and the number of body parts with discomfort as independent variables (predictors). Results: There were 161 day-shift workers and 86 night-shift workers recruited in the study. The working burnout of the day-shift workers was significantly higher than that of the night-shift workers (p < .05). In terms of quality of life, night-shift workers were significantly lower in the environment domain than the day-shift workers (p < .01). For day- and night-shift workers, the top three discomfortable body parts were the lower back, shoulder and neck. The regression results showed that personal burnout was the most significant quality of life predictor (p < .01), affecting the four domains of day-shift workers and the three domains of night-shift workers. Conclusion: Day-shift workers have higher degree of work burnout. Day-shift workers are more likely to have pain or numbness in lower back, shoulder and neck than night-shift workers. The personal burnout of day- and night-shift workers is a major factor that seriously reduces the quality of life.
