
吸內感注意力任務的表現。方法:本研究招募共 22 名年齡 20 歲以上的健康成年人參與實驗,並收集受測者基本資料及相關行為資料。實驗共進行兩回合的呼吸內感注意力任

務,每回合給予約 100 次呼吸阻斷刺激,請受測者在內心默數其接收到之呼吸阻斷刺激次數,於每回合結束後告知研究人員。結果:焦慮特質與呼吸內感注意力任務的表現呈現負相關。其中高焦慮特質者,呼吸內感注意力任務表現較差;低焦慮特質者,呼吸內感注意力任務表現較佳。再者自覺有健康困擾會影響呼吸內感注意力任務的表現,呈現負相關性。最後,自覺呼吸症狀嚴重者,呼吸內感注意力任務表現較差;自覺呼吸症狀輕者,呼吸內感注意力任務表現較佳,呈現負相關性。結論:本篇研究支持焦慮與呼吸內感注意力之間的相關性,且不論是焦慮程度、有健康困擾程度或者自覺呼吸症狀嚴重度皆會影響呼吸內在感知,使其對於呼吸內感注意力下降。未來研究建議為可深入探討正向情緒或情境與呼吸內在感知之間的相關性,提供發展未來治療方式之實證研究。

"> 投稿審查系統 - 台灣職能治療研究與實務雜誌 - 期刊目錄【焦慮特質於呼吸內感注意力任務的影響】
Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice
Trait Anxiety Affects Respiratory Attention Task Performance
賴芊妤、吳伃庭、朱雅智、詹佩穎(Chien-Yu Lai、Yu-Ting Wu、Ya-Jhih Jhu、Pei-Ying S. Chan)
焦慮,呼吸內感注意力,呼吸感覺(trait anxiety, respiratory sensation, respiratory attention task.)
中文 English


吸內感注意力任務的表現。方法:本研究招募共 22 名年齡 20 歲以上的健康成年人參與實驗,並收集受測者基本資料及相關行為資料。實驗共進行兩回合的呼吸內感注意力任

務,每回合給予約 100 次呼吸阻斷刺激,請受測者在內心默數其接收到之呼吸阻斷刺激次數,於每回合結束後告知研究人員。結果:焦慮特質與呼吸內感注意力任務的表現呈現負相關。其中高焦慮特質者,呼吸內感注意力任務表現較差;低焦慮特質者,呼吸內感注意力任務表現較佳。再者自覺有健康困擾會影響呼吸內感注意力任務的表現,呈現負相關性。最後,自覺呼吸症狀嚴重者,呼吸內感注意力任務表現較差;自覺呼吸症狀輕者,呼吸內感注意力任務表現較佳,呈現負相關性。結論:本篇研究支持焦慮與呼吸內感注意力之間的相關性,且不論是焦慮程度、有健康困擾程度或者自覺呼吸症狀嚴重度皆會影響呼吸內在感知,使其對於呼吸內感注意力下降。未來研究建議為可深入探討正向情緒或情境與呼吸內在感知之間的相關性,提供發展未來治療方式之實證研究。

Purpose: In the recent decade, the relationship between anxiety and respiratory interoceptive sensation has been proven to be relevant. It was found that anxious patients’ subjective respiratory symptoms are higher compared to healthy people. However, the extent to which anxiety severity influences people’s attention to respiratory interocetive stimuli, and how people’s respiratory symptoms influences the respiratory interocetive sensation remain unclear. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate whether trait anxiety affects attention performance in the respiratory interocetive task. Method: A group of 22 healthy adults were recruited to participate in the experiment. The subjects were required to pass the pre-screening pulmonary function test to continue the experiment. Every subject underwent two trials of respiratory attention tasks, where approximately respiratory occlusions were provided in each trial. The subjects had to mentally count the number of occlusions that were sensed during the trial and reported to the experimenter after each trial. Results: Trait anxiety is moderately correlated with the performance of attention in the respiratory attention tasks. Subgroup analyses showed that the performance of the respiratory attention tasks was significantly poorer in the group with higher trait anxiety compared to the group with lower trait anxiety. The level of awareness of health problems also is correlated with the performance of attention in the respiratory attention tasks, where the higher trouble the subject reported, the lower accurate their performance was in the respiratory attention task. Lastly, our analysis showed that the performance of the respiratory attention tasks was significantly poorer in the subgroup with more reported respiratory symptoms compared to the group with mild respiratory symptoms. Conclusion: This study supports the relationship between trait anxiety and respiratory interoceptive sensation. In addition, level of awareness of health problems and subjective respiratory symptom severity are both negatively correlated with respiratory interoceptive sensation. Future research is therefore needed to study the effects of positive emotional interventions on respiratory interoceptive sensation. 
