目的:艾倫認知測驗 (Allen Cognitive Level test) 為精神領域常用以評估精神疾病患者之認知功能。艾倫認知測驗已發展許多版本,然而尚無研究彙整艾倫認知測驗之版本,及整理各版本之心理計量特性。本研究以文獻回顧方式,彙整已發展之艾倫認知測驗版本,及回顧所有版本用於精神疾病患者之心理計量特性,以提供臨床與研究人員之參考。

方法:研究者合併檢索 PubMed、MEDLINE、CINAHL、OTseeker 及華藝線上圖書館五個資料庫,並檢索艾倫認知測驗操作手冊,彙整 1988 年 1 月至 2018 年 12 月間,提到艾倫認知測驗之文獻,以確定艾倫認知測驗之各版本。接著搜尋艾倫認知測驗各版本應用於精神疾病患者之心理計量(信度、效度、反應性)文獻。結果:文獻回顧結果共得六個艾倫認知測驗版本及其他衍生版本,第一版本為西元 1985 年的 Allen Cognitive Level-Original,最近版本為Allen Cognitive Level Screen, 6th edition (ACLS-6)。其它修訂版本,依據修訂順序,包括:Allen Cognitive Level Test-90、Allen Cognitive Level Screen、 Allen Cognitive Level Screen-2000 以及 Allen Cognitive Level Screen-5。上述版本除了ACLS-6 尚無用於精神疾病患者之心理計量特性驗證,其他各版本驗證結果如下:信度部分,僅 Allen Cognitive Level Screen-2000 之施測者間信度被驗證。效度部分,各版本具有好的收斂效度及生態效度。反應性部分,各版本之反應性驗證皆不足。結論:艾倫認知測驗過去版本具有好的收斂效度及生態效度,但其他心理計量特性(如:信度、反應性)未臻完備,且目前尚無研究驗證最新版本 ACLS-6 用於精神疾病患者之心理計量特性,此限制 ACLS-6 的結果解釋和應用。建議未來研究可針對精神疾病者,加以驗證 ACLS-6 之心理計量特性,提供臨床或研究人員使用依據。

"> 投稿審查系統 - 台灣職能治療研究與實務雜誌 - 期刊目錄【艾倫認知測驗版本與用於精神疾病患者之 心理計量特性:文獻回顧】
Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice
艾倫認知測驗版本與用於精神疾病患者之 心理計量特性:文獻回顧
Versions of the Allen Cognitive Level Test and its Psychometric Properties in Patients with Mental Illness: Literature Review
邱麗玉、邱恩琦、崔鴻義(Li-Yu Chiu、En-Chi Chiu、Hung-Yi Tsui)
艾倫認知測驗,精神疾病,心理計量,執行功能(Allen Cognitive Level test, mental illness, psychometric properties, executive functions.)
中文 English

目的:艾倫認知測驗 (Allen Cognitive Level test) 為精神領域常用以評估精神疾病患者之認知功能。艾倫認知測驗已發展許多版本,然而尚無研究彙整艾倫認知測驗之版本,及整理各版本之心理計量特性。本研究以文獻回顧方式,彙整已發展之艾倫認知測驗版本,及回顧所有版本用於精神疾病患者之心理計量特性,以提供臨床與研究人員之參考。

方法:研究者合併檢索 PubMed、MEDLINE、CINAHL、OTseeker 及華藝線上圖書館五個資料庫,並檢索艾倫認知測驗操作手冊,彙整 1988 年 1 月至 2018 年 12 月間,提到艾倫認知測驗之文獻,以確定艾倫認知測驗之各版本。接著搜尋艾倫認知測驗各版本應用於精神疾病患者之心理計量(信度、效度、反應性)文獻。結果:文獻回顧結果共得六個艾倫認知測驗版本及其他衍生版本,第一版本為西元 1985 年的 Allen Cognitive Level-Original,最近版本為Allen Cognitive Level Screen, 6th edition (ACLS-6)。其它修訂版本,依據修訂順序,包括:Allen Cognitive Level Test-90、Allen Cognitive Level Screen、 Allen Cognitive Level Screen-2000 以及 Allen Cognitive Level Screen-5。上述版本除了ACLS-6 尚無用於精神疾病患者之心理計量特性驗證,其他各版本驗證結果如下:信度部分,僅 Allen Cognitive Level Screen-2000 之施測者間信度被驗證。效度部分,各版本具有好的收斂效度及生態效度。反應性部分,各版本之反應性驗證皆不足。結論:艾倫認知測驗過去版本具有好的收斂效度及生態效度,但其他心理計量特性(如:信度、反應性)未臻完備,且目前尚無研究驗證最新版本 ACLS-6 用於精神疾病患者之心理計量特性,此限制 ACLS-6 的結果解釋和應用。建議未來研究可針對精神疾病者,加以驗證 ACLS-6 之心理計量特性,提供臨床或研究人員使用依據。

Objective: The Allen Cognitive Level test has commonly been used for assessing cognitive functions in patients with mental illness. Several versions of the Allen Cognitive Level test has been developed. However, no study has compiled the versions of the Allen Cognitive Level test and their psychometric properties. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to synthesize the versions of the Allen Cognitive Level test and review the psychometric properties of all versions in patients with mental illness. Methods: We conducted a comprehensive search of five databases (PubMed, MEDLINE, CINAHL, OTseeker, and Airiti Library) in 1998-2018 and manuals of the Allen Cognitive Level test to identify the versions of the Allen Cognitive Level test. Subsequently, we searched the psychometric properties (reliability, validity, and responsiveness) for each version of the Allen Cognitive Level test. Results: Six versions of the Allen Cognitive Level test and their expanded versions were found. The first version was the Allen Cognitive Level-Original developed in 1985. The newest version was the Allen Cognitive Level Screen, 6th edition (ACLS-6). Other versions were the Allen Cognitive Level Test-90, the Allen Cognitive Level Screen, the Allen Cognitive Level Screen-2000, and Allen Cognitive Level Screen-5. The psychometric properties of the ACLS-6 has not been examined in patients with mental illness. Regarding reliability, only the Allen Cognitive Level Screen-2000 has been evaluated inter-rater reliability. Regarding validity, each version has shown good convergent validity and ecological validity. Regarding responsiveness, no version has been examined. Conclusion: The older versions of the Allen Cognitive Level test showed sufficient convergent validity and ecological validity in patients with mental illness. However, other psychometric properties (i.e., reliability and responsiveness) of the older versions have not been evaluated. Moreover, the ACLS-6 has not been examined in patients with mental illness, limiting its score interpretation and application. We recommend examining the psychometric properties of the ACLS-6 in patients with mental illness to provide empirical evidences for clinicians and researchers.
