前言:腦性麻痺孩童的上肢動作功能損傷常影響其日常生活能力、活動及參與。而應用虛擬實境的腦性麻痺孩童上肢動作復健方案也快速發展。故本文旨在回顧虛擬實境系統應用於腦性麻痺孩童上肢動作復健治療之療效文獻,並比較市售及非市售虛擬實境系統之差異。方法:本文透過 PubMed、Cochrane Library、Web of Science 及 OT seeker 等電子資料庫檢索 1999 年至 2019 年之相關文獻,檢索關鍵字包含:腦性麻痺孩童、上肢動作及虛擬實境之相關關鍵詞。並從已納入的文獻中擷取虛擬實境系統類型、受試者人口學、研究設計、介入方案及結果評量等資料。方法學品質則由兩位作者分別以美國職能治療學會之實證層級評分。結果:本文共收錄 33 篇文獻,虛擬實境上肢動作介入的劑量介於每次 20 至 90 分鐘、每周 1 至 7 天、共 3 至 20 週。市售與非市售虛擬實境系統均顯示可有效改善腦性麻痺孩童上肢動作,但收入文獻中僅二篇研究為大樣本數研究且採用隨機控制實驗設計,其餘研究皆為小樣本數研究或採用非隨機控制實驗設計。結論:虛擬實境復健可提升孩童治療動機與增進腦性麻痺孩童動作功能。建議未來擬定虛擬實境治療方案時可將劑量設定為至少每次 30 分鐘,一週 2 次,共 360 分鐘。此外,未來研究可提高研究實證層級及證據品質,並增加關節角度及軀幹控制等上肢運動學評估或參與面向評估,才能更全面的了解不同虛擬實境系統的療效。

"> 投稿審查系統 - 台灣職能治療研究與實務雜誌 - 期刊目錄【虛擬實境系統做為腦性麻痺孩童上肢動作 復健治療之療效:文獻回顧】
Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice
虛擬實境系統做為腦性麻痺孩童上肢動作 復健治療之療效:文獻回顧
Effectiveness of Virtual Reality System as Upper Extremity Motor Rehabilitation in Children With Cerebral Palsy: A Literature Review
施采瑜、蕭稑錡、張亭薇、王湉妮、陳顥齡(Tsai-Yu Shih 、Lu-Chi Hsiao、Ting-Wei Chang 、Tien-Ni Wang、Hao-Ling Chen)
腦性麻痺、孩童、虛擬實境、神經復健、上肢(cerebral palsy, children, virtual reality, neurorehabilitation, upper extremity)
中文 English

前言:腦性麻痺孩童的上肢動作功能損傷常影響其日常生活能力、活動及參與。而應用虛擬實境的腦性麻痺孩童上肢動作復健方案也快速發展。故本文旨在回顧虛擬實境系統應用於腦性麻痺孩童上肢動作復健治療之療效文獻,並比較市售及非市售虛擬實境系統之差異。方法:本文透過 PubMed、Cochrane Library、Web of Science 及 OT seeker 等電子資料庫檢索 1999 年至 2019 年之相關文獻,檢索關鍵字包含:腦性麻痺孩童、上肢動作及虛擬實境之相關關鍵詞。並從已納入的文獻中擷取虛擬實境系統類型、受試者人口學、研究設計、介入方案及結果評量等資料。方法學品質則由兩位作者分別以美國職能治療學會之實證層級評分。結果:本文共收錄 33 篇文獻,虛擬實境上肢動作介入的劑量介於每次 20 至 90 分鐘、每周 1 至 7 天、共 3 至 20 週。市售與非市售虛擬實境系統均顯示可有效改善腦性麻痺孩童上肢動作,但收入文獻中僅二篇研究為大樣本數研究且採用隨機控制實驗設計,其餘研究皆為小樣本數研究或採用非隨機控制實驗設計。結論:虛擬實境復健可提升孩童治療動機與增進腦性麻痺孩童動作功能。建議未來擬定虛擬實境治療方案時可將劑量設定為至少每次 30 分鐘,一週 2 次,共 360 分鐘。此外,未來研究可提高研究實證層級及證據品質,並增加關節角度及軀幹控制等上肢運動學評估或參與面向評估,才能更全面的了解不同虛擬實境系統的療效。

Introduction: Upper extremity (UE) motor impairment in children with cerebral palsy (CP) usually lead to limitations on activities of daily living, activities and participation. The applications of virtual reality (VR) on UE motor rehabilitation for children with CP grow rapidly. The purpose of this study is to review clinical applications of VR rehabilitation system onto the UE motor function in children with CP, and also to compare the differences of commercial and noncommercial VR system. Methods: PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Science and OT seeker were searched from 1999 to 2019. The key words related to VR, CP and UE were used. Information such type of VR system, participant’s demographic, study design, intervention protocol and outcome measure were extracted from the included studies. The methodology quality was reviewed by 2 authors using the levels of evidence from American Occupational Therapy Association. Results: Thirty-three articles were included in this study. The treatment dosage of VR UE motor intervention was ranged from 20 to 90 minutes per session, 1 to 7 session per week for 3 to 20 week. Both commercial and noncommercial VR systems were effective for improving UE motor function in children with CP. However, only 2 included studies were randomized controlled study design with large sample size. Others studies were non-randomized controlled study design or studies with small sample size. Conclusions: Virtual reality rehabilitation enhanced the motivation and UE motor function in children with CP. Future treatment protocols are recommended that the treatment dosage is at least 30 minutes per session, 2 sessions per week, for a total of 360-minutes intervention. Further research is recommended to improve the level and quality of evidence and provide UE kinematic assessments such as joint angle and trunk control or participation domain assessments.
