Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice

目的:職能治療師在綜合醫院中會與許多臨床工作人員進行合作,但影響合作的因素又可分為專業人員個人、團體、個案、組織環境以及教育五個層面,且目前台灣較缺乏職能治療專業角度的相關文獻。本研究目的期待能初步了解職能治療師在綜合醫院中與其他臨床工作者合作的困境,以及其他臨床工作者期待合作改善的方式。方法:本研究在台灣中部某醫學中心以方便取樣的方式招募研究參與者,使用電子郵件寄發匿名問卷的方式,邀請院內的臨床工作人員填寫自填式問卷,問卷分為七個部份,內容包含人口學資料、與其他專業合作的期望值、對於職能治療師業務內容的了解、曾合作過的範疇、與職能治療師合作過的滿意度、造成合作阻礙的原因以及期待職能治療師可以改善的面向。結果: 200 名參與者中以護理人員 (69.5%) 居多,最被熟知以及曾合作的職能治療專業項目皆為復健治療及日常生活功能訓練,最少的項目皆為職務再設計以及壓力衣製作。合作中「溝通時間不夠」(37.5%) 是最常造成合作阻礙的原因,臨床工作人員表示希望職能治療師能「更主動的分享知識及技巧」、「增加電話溝通/直接溝通及討論的頻率」及「參與團隊會議討論個案狀況」。結論:進行專業間合作時,臨床工作人員最常出現溝通的阻礙,因此期待職能治療師能增加溝通,並更主動的進行專業推廣及分享。
Objective: Occupational therapists collaborate with healthcare workers from a variety of specialties in general hospitals. The factors that influence this interprofessional collaboration include five domains, personal, group, client, institutional environment, and education. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the barriers to interprofessional collaboration with occupational therapists in Taiwan, providing recommendations to improve such collaboration. Method: Participants were recruited from a medical center in Taiwan and were sent an e-mail to invite them to complete a self-reported questionnaire. The questionnaire comprised seven sections regarding demographic characteristics, the degree of expectation to collaborate with others, understanding of the expertise of the occupational therapist, domains which collaborated with therapists, the satisfaction of collaborative experiences, barriers to collaboration, and recommendations to facilitate collaboration for occupational therapists. Results: In total, 200 participants were recruited, most of which were nurses (69.5%). The respondents reported that “rehabilitation” and “ADL training” were the most common reasons for collaboration with the occupational therapy specialty, whereas “job accommodation” and “pressure garment measurement and modify” were the least well known. The main barrier (37.5%) to collaboration was “insufficient time to communicate”. Respondents recommended that occupational therapists “can share knowledge and skills more actively”, “increase frequency of communication and discussion” and “participate in team meetings” to facilitate collaboration. Conclusion: Communication is the most common barrier to interprofessional collaboration between healthcare workers. The healthcare professionals surveyed recommended that occupational therapists increase the frequency of communication, share, and more actively promote their expertise to facilitate collaboration.