Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice

背景:帕金森氏症是一種退化性神經疾病,伴隨感覺、動作、認知等缺損,有學者指出,全身性震動療法可藉由震動刺激,改善帕金森氏症患者姿勢不穩定和運動不能等症狀。目的:利用系統性文獻回顧及後設分析探討全身性震動療法應用在帕金森氏症個案的療效。方法:使用以下資料庫:MEDLINE、PubMed、CINAHL、Cochrane Library 及華藝中文電子期刊資料庫搜尋,收入年份從 2000 年到 2020 年 4 月,後設分析使用 Comprehensive Meta-analysis Version 3 進行,分析帕金森氏症統一量表動作分項、僵直、震顫、運動不能、計時行走測試、功能性前伸測試及 Tinetti 平衡測試共 7 個變項。結果:共 12 篇文獻符合收入條件,其中 7 篇的數據納入後設分析進行比較。以隨機模式進行分析發現,統一帕金森氏症評定量表動作分項得分、僵直、震顫、運動不能、計時行走測試、功能性前伸測試及 Tinetti 平衡測試作為結果測量時,皆未顯示全身性震動療法有顯著療效。結論:本研究發現,全身性震動療法在改善帕金森氏症個案的動作能力、僵直、震顫及運動不能,以及平衡及姿勢控制能力,皆未有明確的療效。由於文獻的結果不一致,文獻數量偏少,而各研究間在介入參數及評估工具的選用上差異性大,因此,雖然全身性震動療法對於帕金森氏症個案可能有潛在效應,但仍需進一步的研究去佐證。
Background: Parkinson disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder which combined with sensory, motor, cognitive deficits and so on. Researchers have suggested that whole body vibration could improve postural control and bradykinesia through vibration stimuli for people with PD. Objective: This study was to examine the effectiveness of whole body vibration in people with PD by systematic-review and meta-analysis. Methods: The following databases, including MEDLINE, PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library and Airiti Library were used to search for articles. Articles published between 2000 and 2020 April were included. Comprehensive Meta-analysis Version 3 was used for meta-analysis to analyze the results of Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale motor score (UPDRS-motor), rigidity, tremor, bradykinesia, Timed up and go test (TUG), Functional reach test (FRT) and Tinetti balance test. Results: A total of 12 articles met inclusion criteria and were included in the systematic review and 7 of them were included for meta-analysis. The results of meta-analysis with random models showed that the effect of WBV was not significant than the control group in all outcome measures. Discussion: Current findings suggested that WBV was not superior to the control group in improving motor function, rigidity, tremor, bradykinesia, balance and postural control. The effect of WBV for PD was inconsistent among studies. There were only few studies with diverse intervention protocols and different outcome measures. Conclusion: Whole body vibration could be a potential treatment for people with PD; however, it required further studies to examine the effectiveness.