Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice
A Survey of Employment Needs of Individuals with Mental Illness in Taipei County
林幸台(Hsin-Tai Lin);邱滿艷(Man-Yen Chiu);張千惠(Chien-Huey Sophie Chang);柯天路(Tian-Lu Ke);張自強(Tzyh-Chyang Chang)
精神障礙;職業重建;就業;Mental illness;Vocational rehabilitation;Employment
中文 English

精神障礙者之就業率偏低,加上社會大眾普遍對精神障礙者存有先入為主的恐懼、排斥心理,促使其不論在進入職場前或就業歷程中均需面對諸多障礙;且該障別在職業重建上較其他障礙更需醫療的介入與配合,長期以來被視為挑戰性較高的一群。台北縣是全國第二大縣,面對不同障別之身心障礙者特定的就業需求,實有必要分別深入探討並加以掌握,方能提供適切、有效之後續服務。本研究以精神障礙者為研究對象,並將研究報告所得之重要結果作為台北縣未來規劃相關政策之依據,以促使更多精神障礙者獲得適性就業。 本研究主要採調查法,研究對象為設籍台北縣20~45歲之精神障礙者。另為進一步了解精障者在就業歷程中的感受與建議,再選取精障者本人及家屬,參與焦點團體。本研究以電話詢問台北縣6472名20到45歲精神障礙者,其中1113名受願意接受訪員親自訪問並完成調查問卷;另有10位已就業、未就業精神障礙者及家屬應邀參加焦點團體。經過統計資料分析與質性資料分析,茲將研究發現分基本資料、就業現況及就(轉)業與職業訓練需求開放式意見反應與焦點團體資料等四部份陳述。最後,再敘述研究限制與建議,綜合分析結果。本研究提出之建議,供作台北縣政府作為未來規劃相關政策或提供服務時參考。

It's hard for clients with psychiatric disabilities to obtain a job or vocational training program due while people misunderstand them. In addition, individuals with mental illness need more medical intervention than other disabilities during vocational rehabilitation process. Taipei country is the second largest county in Taiwan and the government of Taipei country need to plan the appropriate and effective vocational rehabilitation programs for different disabilities population. The purpose of this study is to explore the employment needs of individuals with mental illness. The results of this study will provide Taipei country government to plan the related vocational rehabilitation policy and program for individuals with mental illness in the future. There were 1113 participants aged from 20 to 45 years in this study. All participants were from Taipei country completed the survey of employment needs of individuals with mental illness. There were 10 participants including employed or unemployed individuals with mental illness or their families to participate in the focus group in order to discuss important issues related to psychiatric vocational rehabilitation. All results of the survey and limitations were discussion in this study. We provide the results of this study to Taipei country government and hope them to plan better services for individuals with mental illness in the future vocational rehabilitation programs.
