Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice
Applications of Kagayashiki Music Care in Health Care.
施以諾(Yi-Nuo Shih);駱天惠(Tien-Hui Luo)
音樂治療;加賀谷式音樂療法;健康照護;Music therapy;Kagayashiki music care;Health care
中文 English

日本「加賀谷式音樂療法」是目前國際上諸多音樂療法相關學派中唯-源自東方國家的音樂照護模式,國內亦已有部份護理、社工領域的研究人員發表加賀谷式音樂療法在其 領域運用的效益研究,然而相較於其他音樂療法相關學派,加賀谷式音樂療法的實證研究較少,理論基礎的建立與歸納也較不足。本文以文獻回顧的方式,並配合加賀谷式音樂療法的定義,歸納出加賀谷式音樂療法能對病患產生助益的四點核心元素,並歸納出其所可能產生之療效,期能讓職能治療、護理等健康照護相關專業更了解加賀谷式音樂療法的內涵與價值,並將之引進於臨床工作中。

"Kagayashiki music care" of Japan has been the only one music care mode from eastern countries of the world. Domestically, there are also several researchers which come from different fields, such as nursing and social work, have published the applications of Kagayashiki music care in their fields. However, comparing to other music therapies, evidence-based researches of Kagayashiki music care are fewer, and the establishment and induction of theoretical foundations are also insufficient. This article reviews literatures, defines Kagayashiki music care, inducts four core elements of patients' benefits from Kagayashiki music care and induct possible effects of Kagayashiki music care. It is expected to have more understanding of the connotation and value of Kagayashiki music care in health care profession, such as occupational therapy and nursing, in order to implement it in further clinical fields.
