Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice
A Survey of Northern Taiwan College Students’ Computer Workstation Working Habits and Usage
林蕙婷(Hui-Ting Lin);曾佩芬(Pei-Fen Zeng);黃郁雯(Yu-Wen Huang);江心瑜(Hsin-Yu Chiang);施以諾(Yi-Nuo Shih)
大學生;電腦工作站;肌肉骨骼不適感;College students;Ccomputer workstation;Mmusculoskeletal discomfort
中文 English

目的:近來科技的蓬勃發展,電腦成為生活常用的工具,大學生使用電腦的頻率和時間也逐年增加,而長時間不良使用電腦工作站易產生不適感,因此本研究探究大學生對電腦工作站是否有正確認識並具有正確的習慣。研究方法:本實驗隨機選擇台北地區4所大學共計200位大學生參與此研究。由於目前並無關於電腦使用者對電腦工作站認識之標準化問卷,故我們設計相關問卷,以進行研究。問卷內容則包括人與電腦工作站之周邊設備二大層面,以確認大學生是否對電腦工作站的使用及工作習慣有正確的認知。結果:雖然58.1%大學生對電腦工作站有正確的基本認識。但仍有高達85.8%的大學生主要感到不適的部位為頸部,其次為肩部(83.2%)與背部(83.2%);卡方檢定發現使用電腦的時間越長,前臂(χ^2 (2)=9.11, <0.05),背部(χ^2 (2)=7.451, <0.05)的不適感機率增加;在性別方面,女生(85%)產生肩膀不適感的情況比男生(75%)高。結論:58.1%大學生對電腦工作站有正確的概念,較可以選擇具備人因工程設計為考量的電腦工作站設備,養成良好的電腦使用習慣以降低肌肉骨骼不適感的發生率。

Objective: The purpose of the study was to investigate the habits of college students while using their computer workstations in order to prevent future work-related injuries. Methods: 200 college students were recruited from four universities. Because there was no standardized tool to measure the habits and usage of the students' computer workstations, the researchers used a self-made questionnaire to investigate the usage of workstations and working habits of students'. Results: 58.1% of the college students have a correct but basic understanding of the computer workstation. The most commonly reported types of pain among the participants related to computer use included: neck (85.8%), shoulder (83.2%), and back (83.2%). The Chi-square analysis found that pain in forearm (χ^2 (2)=9.11, p<0.05) and back (χ^2 (2)=7.451, p<0.05) occurred significantly more frequently among participants who spent more time using computers. In addition, there were more female college students (85%) who complained about shoulder discomfort than males (75%). Conclusion: 58.1% of the college students have a correct understanding of the computer workstation. These participants were more aware that they should choose ergonomically-designed products for their workstation and develop correct habits of using computers to avoid the musculoskeletal discomfort.
