Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice
Development of Fine Motor Skills in Preterm Infants with Very Low Birth Weight
Tien-Ni Wang(王湉妮);Tsu-Hsin Howe(何自欣);Jim Hinojosa;Yung-Wen Hsu(徐永玟)
Infants;Motor development;Peabody Developmental Motor Scales;精細動作;早產兒;皮巴迪動作評估量表
中文 English

背景與目的:隨著醫療技術的進步,早產兒的存活率於近二十年來顯著地提昇,其中以極低出生體重早產兒(懷孕週數< 37 週,出生體重< 1500 公克)更為明顯。這些存活的極低出生體重早產兒,即使沒有明顯的腦神經功能異常,也常呈現一定比例的發展的障礙,而其中又以動作發展遲緩最為顯著。本研究目的為探討無明顯腦神經功能異常之極低出生體重早產兒於矯正年齡第6與12個月時與足月兒於精細動作發展上的差異。方法:研究對象為2009年8月至2010年3月間募集之矯正年齡滿6與12個月極低出生體重早產兒。動作評估工具為皮巴迪動作評估量表(Peabody Developmental Motor Scales II)之精細動作部份,其共包含三個分數:抓握次分項(grasping)、視覺動作整合次分項(visual-motorintegration) 與精細動作總分。資料分析使用單一母體平均數檢定(one sample-test) 來檢測早產兒與足月兒在精細動作發展上的差異。結果:本研究的樣本共有105名參與者,其中包括54名矯正年齡6個月及51名矯正年齡12個月的早產兒。矯正年齡6個月之早產兒於抓握次分項與精細動作總分顯著低於足月兒,但在視覺動作整合次分項未達顯著差異;在矯正年齡12個月時,早產兒不論是抓握次分項、視覺動作整合次分項或精細動作總分皆顯著低於足月兒。結論:本研究結果證實,早產兒精細動作發展較足月兒差。本研究的結果有助於研究者與臨床工作者了解台灣早產兒精細動作的發展,以協助相關醫療人員提供早產兒更好的照護與介入。

Objective: This cross-sectional study investigated the differences in fine motor skills between very low weight preterm and full-term infants at the adjusted ages of 6 and 12 months. Methods: Data were collected from preemie follow-up medical records at National Cheng Kung University Hospital in Tainan, Taiwan. Fine motor development data was obtained from the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales II (PDMS-2). A series of one-sample t-tests were used to evaluate the differences in fine motor skills between preterm and full-term infants. Results: The final sample consisted of 105 participants, with 54 preterm infants at the adjusted age of 6 months and 51 preterm infants at the adjusted age of 12 months. For the 6-months adjusted age group, a significant difference in fine motor skills between full-term and preterm infants was found on the grasping subscale of the PDMS-2 (PDMS-G) as well as the composite fine motor score of the PDMS-2 (PDMSF) (p < .05), but not on the visual-motor integration subscale of the PDMS-2 (PDMS-V). In contrast, for the 12-months adjusted age group, a statistically significant difference in fine motor skills between full-term and preterm infants was found on all variables measured: PDMS-G, PDMS-V, and PDMS-F (p < .05). Conclusion: This study\'s findings add to our knowledge of the overall performance of fine motor skills at 6 and 12 months adjusted age in the current Taiwanese preterm population with very low birth weight.
