Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice
Characteristics of Haptic Sense
朱旆儀(Pei-Yi Chu);李冠逸(Kuan-Yi Li)
整合型觸覺;運動覺;本體覺;知覺;動作控制;Haptic sense;Kinesthesia;Proprioception;Perception;Motor control
中文 English

整合型觸覺(haptic sense)為一整合知覺,在動作執行的過程中扮演重要的角色,且已在不同的領域被廣泛的探討,如:心理學與機械工程領域等。然而,職能治療領域對於整合型觸覺的瞭解並不多,因此本文獻回顧將針對整合型觸覺的定義加以釐清,並以生理學的特性及心理學的特性進行有系統的瞭解與探討。整合型觸覺主要由觸覺(tactile)與運動覺(kinesthesia)組成,透過主動動作探索環境的過程,瞭解自身肢段位置與動作,以及環境中所接觸的物品為何。目前對於整合型觸覺的心理學研究包含有敏感度特性的探討,以及辨物能力的探討等。研究指出整合型觸覺藉由六種特定的探索過程(exploratory procedures, EPs)以獲取物體的特性,而上肢在主動探索時,通常會整合多種探索過程以更有效率地獲得物體特性。而另一部份的研究,則是針對訊息來源進行探究,目前普遍認為肌梭為運動覺主要的訊息來源,而皮膚受器為主要的觸覺來源,來自關節受器的訊息則相對較少。中樞神經系統在執行動作的過程中,會持續接收到關於動作狀態的感覺回饋,並依據這些訊息對動作進行校正與調整,而這些感覺回饋都有助於動作任務的執行,進而提升個案的功能,本文旨在提供關於整合型觸覺的認識與特性,提供另一個的觀點來瞭解知覺。

Haptic sense is an integrated perception and important in motor control. It has been investigated comprehensively in many fields, such as psychology and engineering. To broaden the potential application of haptic sense in occupational therapy, the purpose of current article is to review related studies and provide systematic understanding about the characteristics of haptic sense.Haptic sense mainly includes two perceptions: tactile from cutaneous receptors and kinesthesia from proprioceptive receptors, but the contribution of active movement in haptic sense is still inconclusive yet. Haptic sense provides information about our body positions and movements and shapes and textures of explored objects through our active exploration. Studies have found that there is a set of 6 exploratory procedures (EPs) to systematically provide haptic information and the function of EPs is to obtain object properties in an efficient way.In general, the central nervous system (CNS) constantly receives the sensory feedbacks during the execution of movement, and then adjusts the movement in accordance with any disturbances. Since cutaneous, kinesthesia and visual perception are the crucial sensory feedbacks in performing voluntary movement, haptic sense has been proposed as an important integrated perception in motor control.
